The cemetery is located at the corner of Main and N2790.


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Veterans Memorial Front
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Veterans Memorial Back
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Memorial Pavilion
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Memorial Pavilion Front
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Memorial Pavilion Back
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Memorial Pavilion South
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Memorial Pavilion West Left
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Memorial Pavilion West Middle
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Memorial Pavilion West Right
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Memorial Pavilion North Left
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Memorial Pavilion North Right
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The oldest grave in our cemetery is that of Texanna Bradley, wife of Winter Payne Bradley. Born 1859; Died July 16, 1892. She was NOT buried elsewhere, exhumed and re-interred in the Bradley Cemetery. That's a myth!
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Winter Payne Bradley was one of the town's founders and namesake. He did not donate the land for the cemetery. That's another myth. He donated the money that was used to purchase the land.
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Winter's brother William was the town's co-founder.
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J.C. Hampton built the first mercantile store in the Bradley Townsite Company in 1903
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In 1909, Alice Terry deeded her allottment land to the Bradley Townsite Company so the town could expand. That land is called Thacker Addition. This is the only Thacker grave in the cemetery.
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Charles Guest drew our original dragon mascot in 1932

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The Bradley Cemetery Association has five directors, each of which serves five years in staggered terms. New members are chosen by the President and are voted into office by all of the remaining members. There is no application process. Interested parties should contact the President and ask to be placed on a list of potential candidates.


Robert Pinnick, President (405) 756-7865

Earl Cox, Vice President

Barbara Mitchusson, Secretary/Treasurer

Sheree Johnston, Senior Member

Debbie Selzer, Junior Member

Cemetery Maintenance: Danny Henderson


Bradley Cemetery Association

PO Box 92

Bradley, OK 73011

(405) 222-8388

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Annual meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday in April 6:00pm at the First Baptist Church.


Cemetery Association Meeting Agenda 2022

Cemetery Association Meeting Minutes 2023

Cemetery Association Meeting Agenda 2024

Cemetery Association Financial Report 2024


Revenue from the cemetery's oil well is invested in cds and used to pay for maintenance. Donations are accepted.

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Burial plots are free of charge to residents, former residents, and to those who have family buried there.

In order to keep our cemetery attractive, the cemetery board has adopted the following regulations on April 6, 1999 and April 16, 2004.

The following is not permitted:


1.  The planting of trees, bushes, shrubs, hedges or flowers.


2.  The building of fences and or borders around grave sites.


3.  Removal of flowers from any lot except one's own.


4.  Families should contact the cemetery board:


    a.  Before the setting of markers, monuments, memorial and reflection benches.


    b.  Before the opening of any grave or selection of a grave site.


5. 10 days after Memorial Day, flowers on the ground will be picked up.


We are aware that trees, bushes, shrubs, hedges, flowers, rose bushes, fences, stone borders, etc exist in the cemetery. However, they were placed there many years ago before the Association acquired it. Three headstones are hidden behind two juniper trees and one was completely covered by an old rose bush that had to be destroyed to uncover it. We therefore decided that the only way to prevent this from happening in the future was to cease the activity. These rules exist to make the cemetery as easy to maintain as possible so please do not argue with them.

Copyright 2005-2025 Vera Baker for Town of Bradley