Grady County Rural Water District #3 PWS ID: OK2002607
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Water meters are read on or around the 25th of every month. Bills are due on the 1st and must be paid by the 10th to avoid a $5.00 late fee.
Service will be disconnected on the 15th and $25.00 will be charged for restoration.
Water deposit or membership fee is $350.
A new water meter costs $1,500.00.
Record search fee: $25.00
Mail payments to:
RWD 3 PO Box 87 Bradley, OK 73011 (405) 462-7595
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Waste Connections holds a contract with the Town Board of Trustees for trash removal. The Rural Water District adds trash removal onto water bills as a courtesy to assist the town in the collection of the trash payments. Waste Connections Ninnekah, OK 73067 844-708-7274
Southern Plains Landfill 3198 County Street 2910 Ninnekah, OK 73067 3 miles northwest of Alex (405) 785-2060
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Annual accountant reports are submitted to the State Auditor ending the fiscal year on October 31. Reports must be filed within 6 months. Accountant's Report 2023 (Missing) Accountant's Report 2022 (Missing) Accountant's Report 2021 (Missing)
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James Mainka, President, 3 year term, Elected 1-21-25 Cheryl Newton, Vice President, 1 year term, Elected 1-21-25 Vera Baker, Secretary, 2 year term, Elected 1-21-25
James Mainka, Temporary Licensed Operator (405) 462-7595
Vicky Mainka, Temporary Bookkeeper/Treasurer (405) 462-7595
Judy Mainka, Notary Public
John F. Kramer, CPA, PLLC 222 E. Grand Ponca City, OK 74604 (580) 767-1040
Steve Harris Doyle Harris Davis & Haughey 1350 South Boulder, Suite 700 Tulsa, OK 74119
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Meeting Schedule and Deadline Calendar
Monthly meetings are the second Monday of every month at 7pm.
December 27: Notice of monthly meetings filed and stamped by County Clerk. Filed copy posted on the door of the Community Building.
April 30: Submit annual financial audit to State Auditor & Inspector.
July 1: File an annual budget report with the County Clerk.
October 31: Prepare annual financial audit with CPA.
November 1: Beginning of the fiscal year. Calculate rate increases and employee wages.
November 13: Annual Election of Board members.
December 15: Set meeting schedule for following year and file with County Clerk.
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Oklahoma Rural Water Association 1410 SE 15th St. PO Box 95349 Oklahoma City, OK 73129 (405) 672-8925 Fax: (405) 672-9898 Training and water audits. Rural Infrastructure Grants (RIG).
Travis Henry is the circuit rider.
Keath Garramone is the leak detection coordinator.
Oklahoma Water Resources Board 3800 N Classen Oklahoma City, OK 73118 (405) 530-8800 Fax: (405) 530-8900 Water grants and loans.
DEQ Environmental Complaints & Local Services Division Cassandra Atwood, Regional Manager 1313 W. Ash Ave., Suite #106 Duncan, OK 73533 (580) 255-6068 Fax: (405) 702-6226
Kimberly Wirtz, Bradley district Environmental Program Specialist (572) 206-9484
Greg Ressel, Water Testing (572) 206-9508
They will not be fined for over-chlorinating the water.
Complaints Hotline: 1-800-522-0206 Report water contamination.
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Rob Singletary, Executive Director Emily Haskin 707 N. Robinson PO Box 1677 Oklahoma City, OK 73101-1677 (405) 702-8171 To report air, land and water contamination, visit the State DEQ.
US Environmental Protection Agency Water Resource Center (RC-4100) 401 M Street SW Washington, DC 20460 Report EPA violations. Safe Drinking Water Hotline: 1-800-426-4791
Internal Revenue Service EO Classification 4910DAL 1100 Commerce Street Dallas, TX 75242-1198 (214) 413-5415
Fill out this non profit complaint form and send it to: or send it via certified mail with evidence to the above address. Cite case number: 75-14382.
Attorney General Anthony Sykes, Public Access Counselor 313 NE 21st Street Oklahoma City, OK 73105 (405) 521-3921 Fax: (405) 521-6246
The Attorney General has a special division that investigates Open Meeting Act and Open Record Act violations.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Oklahoma City Field Office 3301 West Memorial Road Oklahoma City, OK 73134-7098 (405) 290-7770
Rural Water Districts were created by Congress under Title 7 USC (Agriculture). They are a federal subdivision of the USDA Rural Development Office. Rural water districts are therefore federal agencies. A rural water district is a non profit, non-stock corporation in order to qualify for federal grants allocated by the USDA, OWRB, ORWA-RIG and ASCOG-REAP. It is a locally controlled water utility that is not regulated by the Corporation Commission or the County Commissioner. There is no oversight or regulating authority over any rural water board in Oklahoma. The only agency that can investigate rural water districts for public corruption or color of law violations is the FBI. If ANYONE has had their water disconnected FOR LIFE or if you have had your Constitutional Rights of Free Speech or Due Process violated, please report it to the FBI.
Council for the Inspector General on Integrity and Efficiency (202) 292-2600
There was a Rural Water District Oversight Council created by H.B. 1371 in 1991 that became a federal agency. It is a 7 member council appointed by the Governor. It is only accessible by going to
Grand Jury Petition
A final resort is to circulate a Petition to Convene a County Grand Jury. The requirement is 10% of voters who voted during the last election. The minimum is 500 and the maximum is 5,000, the same required for a Legislative Initiative petition. Grand juries can investigate federal crimes and Title 21 crimes that did not result in an arrest or conviction. Even those with immunity have to answer a grand jury subpoena. An indictment is a formal accusation that is typically issued by a grand jury after reviewing evidence presented by a prosecutor. If an indictment is not issued by a grand jury, a person may be charged with an offense in a criminal complaint. A criminal complaint is a written statement that may be filed by a private individual with knowledge of the alleged crime. Once a criminal complaint is filed, a judge will review it to determine if there is sufficient evidence to proceed with criminal charges. If the judge finds probable cause, an arrest warrant may be issued, and the individual can be arrested and formally charged with the offense. From there, the case will progress through the criminal justice system.
Article 31 was a 2010 campaign to add the right to clean water to the UN's declaration of human rights. The U.S. abstained from the U.N. vote that made water a human right. Therefore, the U.S. federal government does not recognize the human right to water. Denying someone water would not be a federal crime. However, a rural water district can still only deny water service under certain circumstances such as, failure to pay a bill, violate the district's rules regarding water usage (unauthorized connection or cross-connection), or if providing service to a particular property would significantly burden the district's water supply. Reasonable notice and due process is required before service is disconnected.
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Updated: 2/09/2025 Memberships are terminated for FOR LIFE under Color of Law in violation of Due Process and the ADA. There is no water treatment schedule; it's a chloramine drip at the wells. There is a concentration of chemical in certain spots due to dead lines not being flushed because there is no valve. Members are accused of having unconfirmed leaks that we have to pay for. They will not allow the town park to have a restroom; they refuse to do the plumbing and argue that they don't want to scrub toilets. |